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Veterans Guide Videos

Why Veterans Have a Hard Time Getting an Accurate VA Rating?

Video Transcript

VA medical personnel and contractors cannot keep up with the workload demand. It leaves many veterans experiencing insufficient rush medical exams, poor ratings. It results in incorrect applications.

You need someone to secure the evidence the your case and present the evidence in a legally compliant manner that comports with the VA rule. Additionally, the VA process is intimidating and laborsome. Many veterans are not aware they can file for more than one condition. With the passage of time, it is very difficult to prove the nexus or a connection between service and condition, especially if your military service ended decades ago. For example, perhaps when you were in the military, you were exposed to certain conditions and events that when you left the service did not affect you much. But 20 years later, your current job maximizes the exposure that you may have had. And now you need an expert. An expert can help you dig through that 20 year period to establish the nexus and the connection between your injuries in the military or your exposure in the military and your condition for the proper rating.

Linda Cosme

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Linda Cosme | VA-Accredited Attorney & U.S. Army Veteran

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Matt is a VA-accredited attorney who co-founded NAVDA in 2023. Matt has helped veterans with the VA disability appeals process since he became accredited in 2021.