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VA Disability Ratings

 If you were injured while serving in the military or you suffered the worsening of an existing condition during your service, VA disability ratings determine how much you receive in compensation each month. To get a fair rating and compensation that matches your ability to otherwise support yourself, you need medical and other documentation to support your initial claim and any appeals you file.

Content Reviewed by: Matt Coveney
Last Modified Date: January 21, 2025

Joining the military was a big commitment, and you sacrificed significantly to serve our country. If you suffered a service-related injury or condition with lasting effects, you might be entitled to tax-free monthly disability payments from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 

These payments cover any disability related to:

  • An injury suffered during your service
  • A pre-existing condition that became exacerbated during your service
  • A condition that wasn’t initially apparent but was related to your time in the military

The VA uses disability ratings to determine how much you receive in monthly compensation payments.

A VA rating is a percentage from zero to a hundred that the VA assigns based on the type and the severity of your injuries and condition. This rating will directly determine how much compensation you will receive from the VA. The VA will look at several factors to determine how to rate your disability. This includes medical records that may have doctor and hospital information, testing, and also statements from employers, friends, family, colleagues. The VA considers all of this evidence collectively, and at that point they’re able to issue a decision.

A VA rating is a percentage from zero to a hundred that the VA assigns based on the type and the severity of your injuries and condition. This rating will directly determine how much compensation you will receive from the VA. The VA will look at several factors to determine how to rate your disability. This includes medical records that may have doctor and hospital information, testing, and also statements from employers, friends, family, colleagues. The VA considers all of this evidence collectively, and at that point they’re able to issue a decision.

What Are VA Disability Ratings?

The VA assigns a disability rating after examining the relevant medical records and establishing the severity of your disability. The VA then uses that rating to calculate the monthly compensation paid for your service-related condition. The VA assigns ratings in 10 percent increments between zero and 100 percent. The percentage rating reflects how much the disability affects your overall health and ability to perform daily functions. For instance, a 30 percent rating would mean you are 30 percent disabled.

VA Benefits Eligibility

VA disability benefits eligibility rests on showing that the injury or illness was caused by, or made worse by, your active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training.

You are not eligible for disability if you received a discharge under other than honorable conditions, a bad conduct discharge, or a dishonorable discharge. However, you can challenge your discharge status to try and become eligible for VA benefits.

If you believe you deserve disability pay, you can file your disability claim online, in person, or by mail. You should include VA and private hospital and doctor records and supporting statements from people you served with, family members, or community members who know how your conditions affected you.

Want to Increase Your VA Rating?

How Does the VA Calculate Disability Ratings?

The VA uses several types of evidence to determine your disability rating, including the following: US Department of Veterans Affairs.

  • Doctor or hospital records
  • Medical test results
  • Claim exam results if the VA determines an exam is necessary to supplement your other medical evidence
  • Information from other sources that back your disability claim

If you had a disability made worse by your service, the VA bases the rating on your condition’s aggravation level. For example, if you were 10 percent disabled when you entered the military, and your service resulted in the same condition leaving you 30 percent disabled, the aggravation level is 20 percent.

two veterans, one in a wheelchair

Disabilities Rated by the VA

The VA recognizes physical and mental health conditions in disability rating determinations. These conditions include, but are not limited to:

If you have more than one disability, the VA combines the rating of each to reach a final disability rating.

Compensation By VA Disability Ratings

Your monthly disability compensation is determined by your disability rating and the number of dependents you have, including your spouse, children, and parents. These amounts are adjusted annually for inflation. The compensation levels are laid out in charts on the VA website.

If you have a 10 to 20 percent disability rating, you won’t receive a higher rate even if you have a dependent spouse, child, or parent. If you have a spouse and one child and a disability rating of 20 percent, you receive $338.49

A 30 percent disability rating or higher results in additional compensation, plus compensation for your dependents. With a 30 percent rating, if you are married and have one child, you receive $632.31 per month. 

This compensation can range up to $4,433.39 for a veteran who has a 100 percent rating, a spouse, one child, and two parents. You may also receive additional compensation if your spouse has a serious disability, or if you have other dependent children.

Your monthly disability payments may be higher if you have lost a limb, have a severe disability, or need home health care. You can check VA special monthly compensation rates to determine situations where you can receive additional compensation.

There are also situations in which your compensation can be reduced, such as:

  • You also receive benefits such as retirement, separation, or disability severance pay
  • You are convicted of a felony and spend 60 days or more in a state or federal prison

What if I Have Multiple Disabilities?

If you have more than one disability, the VA determines your monthly compensation based on the ratings for the combination of conditions. It does not just add up the two ratings. It uses a “whole person theory” to prevent your combined rating from exceeding 100 percent.

The VA uses a table to determine where ratings intersect. For example, if you have a lower back injury that is 40 percent disabling and hearing loss at 20 percent disabling, your combined rating in the VA table is 52 percent. It is rounded to the nearest 10 percent, so your final disability rating is 50 percent. To see how much every rating pays, based off of your personal situation see our VA disability pay chart.

If you have more than two disabilities, the VA uses the above process to get a combined rating and uses the table again to add your third and other ratings.

VA Disability Applications and the Appeals Process

Getting your VA disability rating starts with the claims process. You can appeal if you disagree with the VA’s decision on your initial claim.

Applying for VA Disability Benefits

You can apply for VA disability benefits when you realize you have a disability related to your service. Start by submitting an intent to file a claim as soon as possible. If approved for benefits, you may receive VA back pay retroactive to your filing date.

You have one year to collect your medical evidence and submit your application. The VA will notify you that it received your claim and let you know if they need additional documentation. You then receive a notice of approval with your disability rating or a denial. If the VA denies your claim, you have a right to appeal.

Appealing Benefits Denials or VA Disability Ratings

You can appeal a VA disability decision, whether your claim was denied or you disagree, and want to increase your VA disability rating. You can choose from three levels of review. 

In a Higher-Level Review, a senior-level claims adjudicator reviews your initial claim. You cannot submit new evidence.

You can also file a Supplemental Claim Appeal. With this option, you can provide additional evidence not in your initial claim, such as medical records. 

The third option is a Board of Veterans Appeal in which a Veterans Law Judge hears your appeal. If you are denied again during the appeal process, you can appeal to the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.

You can file a VA disability claim or appeal on your own or with the help of an attorney or advocate accredited by the VA. For the complex appeals process, an attorney or experienced advocate can help you collect the evidence you need, make persuasive arguments on your behalf, and make sure you meet all filing deadlines. A successful appeal could result in years of benefits dating back to your original claim.

Too often, veterans are awarded a low rating. In most cases, we need to show more evidence to prove that an increased rating is justified and needed. For example, we can gather evidence from friends and family. They offer perspective on how your condition affects your daily life, and they may be able to share more about the impact. Another source are colleagues or your work buddies. They can speak about how your condition has affected your ability to work and earn a living. Another wonderful source of evidence is your primary doctor. Your doctor can provide insight into your condition, and the VA may not credit or consider secondary conditions. For example, if a medication from a service-connected condition causes another issue, such as an endocrine disorder. Finally, if your condition has worsened, you need to apply and appeal.

Too often, veterans are awarded a low rating. In most cases, we need to show more evidence to prove that an increased rating is justified and needed. For example, we can gather evidence from friends and family. They offer perspective on how your condition affects your daily life, and they may be able to share more about the impact. Another source are colleagues or your work buddies. They can speak about how your condition has affected your ability to work and earn a living. Another wonderful source of evidence is your primary doctor. Your doctor can provide insight into your condition, and the VA may not credit or consider secondary conditions. For example, if a medication from a service-connected condition causes another issue, such as an endocrine disorder. Finally, if your condition has worsened, you need to apply and appeal.

Serving in the military was fantastic, and there were so many things that I’m proud of. The first thing, completing basic training and military police school. I’m a small person, so that was an accomplishment. I forged incredible bonds with other soldiers, even for non-combat soldiers. We had a shared experience during training. The drill sergeants provided simulated near-death experiences, or at least the perception that we would die. We were pushed to the very edge of our limits. For example, there was the gas mask training. They made us take our gas mask off in a room, break the seal, remove it. Those are pretty scary things, but you survive and success and survival are linked to the soldier next to you. This is service to others and key to lifelong friendships. The military instilled a sense of duty and discipline as we solve problems. This is military effectiveness under any condition.

The second thing that I am proud of is I earned an expert’s badge with the M 16 during weapons qualification. And I guess the last thing I want to say is making your bed and shining your shoes every day. There’s some admiral who wrote a book about making your bed. This is what success looks like. First thing in the morning, you start small and you build throughout the day. Before the army, I can’t remember if or how I made my bed. It was a chore. Nobody wants to do it. The Army trained soldiers to make a tight bunk bed with hospital corners so a quarter could bounce off the bed. Even when I go camping today, I have to make that bed now is part of my DNA. Thank you army.

Boost Your VA Disability Benefits!

Discover if You Qualify for a Higher Rating. Use Our Easy VA Disability Calculator Now!

Matt is a VA-accredited attorney who co-founded NAVDA in 2023. Matt has helped veterans with the VA disability appeals process since he became accredited in 2021.