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20% VA Disability Rating

Veterans who have developed injuries, conditions, or illnesses connected to their military service can apply for a VA disability rating that qualifies them for monthly compensation and other benefits. The rating reflects how much the disability affects your overall health and ability to perform daily functions. The benefits available vary based on this rating. In 2025, the monthly compensation for veterans with a 20 percent rating is $346.95.

Content Reviewed by: Matt Coveney
Last Modified Date: January 20, 2025

If you have questions about a 20 percent VA rating, want to increase your rating, or think you may be eligible for a combined disability rating, Veterans Guide can help.

How Much Does a 20% VA Disability Rating Pay Per Month?

Veterans with a 20 percent VA disability rating receive the same monthly compensation regardless of how many dependents they support. This is unlike veterans with higher ratings, who receive more compensation depending on whether they support spouses, children, or parents. In 2025, veterans with a condition rated at 20 percent receive $346.95 monthly.

2025 COLA Benefits Increase for 20% Rating

Every year, the VA issues a cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, that increases monthly disability payments. The COLA rate is the same as the one determined by the Social Security Administration. On December 1, 2024, monthly benefits for veterans with a 20 percent disability rating will increase by 2.5 percent, or $8.46, from $338.49 monthly in 2024 to $346.95 monthly in 2025.

Other Benefits Available to Veterans With a 20% Disability Rating

Veterans with a 20 percent disability rating are eligible for more than monthly compensation. They also qualify for the following benefits:

VA Health Care Benefits

A 20 percent VA disability rating provides veterans with access to certain health care benefits, including certain forms of no-cost health care.

Medical treatment and prescription coverage for service-connected disabilities is free to veterans with a 20 percent rating. A 20 percent rating also places you in priority group 3 for health care benefits, meaning that in many cases, you will have access to no-cost care for medical services. Your VA priority group affects your copay for inpatient and outpatient care and medications. A 20 percent rating also grants veterans travel allowance to VA facilities for treatment and care.

The health care benefits you receive for free may depend on your income. Income limits are set based on your zip code and number of dependents. You can determine whether your income is within limits for certain types of medical care on the VA website.

VA Home Loan Assistance

The VA waives the funding fee associated with its home loan program for eligible veterans with a 20 percent disability rating. Eligibility depends on conditions like length of active service, income stability, and minimum credit score.

Funeral and Burial Plot Allowance

The VA pays funeral and burial expense benefits for deaths resulting from service-connected conditions or those that occur while the veteran is receiving some type of VA benefit. The VA pays up to $2,000 for burial expenses for deaths on or after September 11, 2001, or up to $1,500 for deaths before September 11, 2001. For non-service-connected deaths occurring on or after October 1, 2024, the VA will pay up to $978 toward burial and funeral expenses and a $978 plot-interment allowance.

The VA also reimburses some costs from transporting veterans’ remains to national memorial cemeteries.

Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment

The GI Bill and the Veterans Readiness and Employment program, or VR&E, are available to disabled veterans who have received honorable discharge. After the VA receives your application for VR&E benefits, you will be assigned a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, or VRC. The VRC will conduct an initial evaluation to determine your potential eligibility for VR&E.

The VR&E program is only available to veterans with 20 percent ratings for disabilities that result in a “serious employment handicap,” or SEH. A serious employment handicap means the service-connected disability “significantly limits your ability to prepare for, obtain, and maintain suitable employment.” Suitable employment is defined as a job that is stable, doesn’t worsen your disability, and matches your abilities, aptitudes, and interests.

Can I Increase My Disability Rating?

The benefits available to veterans with a 20 percent rating are less than those available to veterans with higher ratings. If you believe that your service-connected disability qualifies you for a higher rating, you may appeal your rating for an increase. Increasing your 20 percent rating by only 10 percent could increase your monthly payment by at least $190.47.

In addition, veterans with disability ratings above 20 percent receive increases in monthly compensation depending on the number of dependents they support. This extra compensation can quickly add up.

Options for Appealing Your Disability Rating

There are three paths available for appealing a VA rating: Supplemental Claims, Higher-Level Review, and an appeal to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.

The Supplemental Claim process allows you to request that your regional VA office review your claim again with new and relevant evidence.

The Higher-Level Review process allows you to request that your regional office have a higher-level rating specialist review the claim you originally submitted without new evidence.

Finally, submitting a Notice of Disagreement to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals allows you to bypass your regional office and have your case reviewed by a judge from the Board. You have three options if you wish to have the Board review your claim:

  • Direct Docket: A judge reviews your claim with no new evidence and no hearing.
  • Hearing Docket: You will appear at a hearing before a judge.
  • Evidence Docket: A judge reviews your claim with new evidence without a hearing.

Want to Increase Your VA Rating?

What Is a Combined Rating?

Veterans often have multiple service-related conditions or suffer from a secondary condition that stems from their original service-connected one. If you have multiple conditions, you may be eligible for a combined rating, which can increase your benefits.

When assigning a Combined Disability Rating, the VA gives each condition an individual rating. It then ranks the ratings in order of severity and the Combined Ratings Table to determine a combined rating.

To estimate your Combined Disability Rating, you can use Veterans Guide’s 2025 VA Disability Calculator.

20% Disability Rating FAQs

Some common questions we receive from veterans with a 20 percent disability rating or who are interested in applying for VA benefits include the following:

What Conditions Typically Qualify for a 20% Disability Rating?

Many common service-connected conditions that qualify for VA benefits may be rated at 20 percent disabling. These include conditions such as the following:

  • Migraines. Migraines are a debilitating neurological disease linked to severe headaches and sensory sensitivity. Disability ratings for migraines range from zero to 50 percent, depending on the veteran’s ability to work.
  • Limited mobility of an extremity or joint. Knees, ankles, arms, and wrists are common joints and extremities impacted by limited mobility. Disability ratings for limited mobility depend on the body part affected and the severity of the limitation.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. PTSD is a mental disability linked to witnessing trauma that can have severe impacts on a veteran’s daily social and occupational functioning. Ratings for PTSD range from zero to 100 percent disabling.
  • Nerve damage. Nerve damage can affect many parts of the body, resulting in pain, numbness, and loss of sensation. Disability ratings for nerve damage depend on where the damage is localized and its impact on a veteran’s daily life.

Can I Also Receive SSDI?

Veterans who cannot work due to a service-related condition can also apply for Social Security Disability, or SSDI. Increasing your rating may increase the likelihood of approval for SSDI benefits.

However, participating in any “substantial gainful activity” resulting in income renders you ineligible for SSDI. SSDI benefits are only available to veterans who are completely unable to work.

Is My VA Compensation Taxable?

VA compensation is tax-free, regardless of your VA disability rating. Some states also offer other tax breaks for veterans, such as vehicle exemptions.

Boost Your VA Disability Benefits!

Discover if You Qualify for a Higher Rating. Use Our Easy VA Disability Calculator Now!

Matt is a VA-accredited attorney who co-founded NAVDA in 2023. Matt has helped veterans with the VA disability appeals process since he became accredited in 2021.