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Texas VA Benefits

If you’re a disabled veteran in Texas, you may qualify for several state-level benefits programs. These include exemption from property tax, discounted hunting licenses, employment benefits, and similar services.

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Content Reviewed by: Matt Coveney
Last Modified Date: March 24, 2025

Texas state disabled veterans’ benefits are offered in addition to your monthly VA compensation and any other federal disability benefits you may receive. The maximum monthly benefit available to veterans in 2025 is $4,544.22 for 100 percent disabled veterans supporting multiple dependents.

Educational Benefits

In addition to benefits such as the GI Bill, Veteran Readiness and Employment training, and similar federal educational services for veterans, disabled veterans living in Texas are eligible for certain other educational benefits on the state level.

The Hazlewood Act

The Hazlewood Act Tuition Exemption Benefit is Texas’ primary state-level educational benefit for veterans. It provides eligible veterans, their spouses, and dependent children up to 150 hours of tuition-free education at state colleges and universities.

To be eligible for this benefit, the veteran must be a Texas resident at enrollment, have received an honorable discharge, and have served a minimum of 181 days of active duty service, among other criteria. Hazlewood Act benefits are only available to veterans not receiving other federal education benefits, such as Chapter 33 or 31 benefits, dedicated to paying tuition and fees.

Employment Benefits

Texas prioritizes veterans’ hiring initiatives and offers state-level services aimed at increasing veteran employment through the Texas Veterans Commission’s Department of Veterans Employment Services, or VES. Employment benefits for Texas veterans are generally applicable to all veterans, regardless of whether you have received a VA disability rating or plan to do so in the future.

Job Coaching and Resume Writing Services

Texas VES offers several benefits programs for veterans looking to enter the workforce. These include job coaching, resume-writing courses, job training, mock interviews, and other services. Many benefits are accessible through the Texas Workforce Commission’s Work in Texas job portal.

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation offers occupational licensing benefits to veterans and military spouses. These include expedited licensing for veterans and spouses transitioning into civilian occupations, waived licensing application fees for veterans with relevant experience, and the ability to credit verified military experience toward the required credentials for a given professional license.

Texas Veteran Entrepreneur Program

The Texas Veteran Entrepreneur Program, or VEP, helps veterans start businesses based in Texas and grow existing veteran-owned companies. It assists with business fundamentals such as corporate planning, networking and funding, logo design, marketing research, external partner referrals, and more.

Texas State Employment Veterans' Hiring Preference

All Texas state agencies are required to provide a hiring preference to veterans until they reach 20 percent veteran employment. This means qualified veterans will receive consideration over non-veteran applicants for positions within the state government. Veterans’ hiring preference is only available to veterans who received an honorable or general discharge from active duty. Disabled veterans receive additional preferential consideration over non-disabled veterans.

Texas State Retirement Military Service Credit

Veterans employed by the state of Texas can receive credit for up to 60 months of active duty military service toward their state retirement benefits. To be eligible for this service credit, veterans must not be eligible for military retirement pay and cannot have received a dishonorable discharge.

Health Benefits

Veterans in Texas are eligible for several state health care benefits programs in addition to the health benefits disabled veterans receive from the VA.

No-Cost Medical Records

Texas veterans are entitled to receive free copies of their medical or mental health records when they are needed to file a claim for a disability with the VA. The health care provider or health care facility is only required to provide one complete copy free of charge.

TVC Health Care Advocacy Program

The Texas Veterans Commission’s Health Care Advocacy Program bolsters the health benefits provided to veterans by the VA. It helps manage VA grievances and complaints, external referrals, billing problems, pharmacy and medication issues, lab tests, and more for disabled veterans in Texas.

Long-Term Care Benefits

Texas has 10 state-sponsored long-term care facilities available to veterans regardless of disability status. Veterans with a service-connected disability rating of 70 percent or higher are eligible for no-cost care at the following facilities:

Recreation and Leisure Benefits

Texas grants resident disabled veterans recreation and leisure benefits, including the following:

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

In Texas, honorably discharged veterans with a disability rating of 50 percent or greater or the service-connected loss of the use of a foot or leg are eligible for a free Super Combo Hunting and All-Water Fishing License each year. This package comes with multiple state hunting and fishing endorsements and entitles veterans to hunt and fish for all licensed species other than waterfowl.

State Parks

Veterans in Texas with a service-connected disability rating of 50 percent or higher are eligible for a free lifetime entry passport into all state parks. Up to three guests per visit may accompany the veteran.

Property Tax and Housing Benefits

Disabled veterans in Texas are eligible for certain tax benefits and loan programs designed to make homeownership more accessible to veterans.

Property Tax

Texas veterans with a VA disability rating of 10 to 90 percent are eligible for a reduction in their home’s assessed value, ranging from $5,000 to $12,000, based on their disability rating. Veterans with a 100 percent VA disability rating receive a full property tax exemption. The full exemption is also available to those receiving Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability, or TDIU, benefits.

VA Disability Rating Texas Property Tax Exemption Amount
10 to 29% $5,000 from the property's value
30 to 49% $7,500 from the property's value
50 to 69% $10,000 from the property's value
70 to 90% $12,000 from the property's value
100% rating or TDIU Tax-exempt with no limits

Veterans Land Board Loan Programs

In addition to the home loan benefits offered to disabled veterans by the VA, the Texas Veterans Land Board, or VLB, offers multiple types of property loan programs to qualified veterans. These loans cover land purchases, home purchases, and certain home improvement costs.

VLB Land Loan Program

The VLB land loan program provides financial assistance to active duty service members, veterans, reservists, and surviving spouses of veterans missing or killed in action for land purchases up to $150,000. Loans require a minimum 5 percent down payment and a $325 appraisal fee due at the time of application for a fixed-rate 30-year loan term.

Land eligible for VLB land loan assistance must consist of at least one acre located entirely in Texas, not be zoned entirely for commercial use, and have legal access to public roads. The veteran or their spouse cannot have previously owned the land within the three years before the purchase.

VLB Home Loan Program

The VLB home loan program offers low-interest loans to veterans with little to no down payment required toward the purchase of a primary residence located in Texas. Veterans with a VA disability rating of 30 or higher qualify for discounted interest rates. Successful applicants for VLB home loans may receive up to $766,550 on a fixed-rate home loan for a term of 15, 20, 25, or 30 years.

To be eligible for VLB home loan assistance, the applicant must occupy the home within 60 days of closing and have it serve as their primary residence for at least three years. Homes may be attached or detached single-family homes, townhomes, or condominiums. Duplexes and other multi-family units must be at least five years old to be eligible for VLB assistance. New homes of all types must have a Home Energy Rating System Index score of 75 or less or Energy Star certification.

VLB Home Improvement Loan Program

The VLB home improvement loan program offers low-interest loans with no required down payment to veterans toward the improvement and renovation of homes in Texas. The veteran can use the loan’s funds for any alterations, renovations, and improvements eligible for FHA Title 1 financing through the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Loans are available up to $50,000 for terms from 2 to 20 years or in amounts ranging from $7,500 to $10,000 for a 2- to 10-year term. Veterans with a VA disability rating of 30 percent or higher qualify for discounted interest rates.

The property must serve as the applicant’s primary residence and be at least five years old at the time of application. Single-family homes, condominiums, and multi-family residences up to a fourplex are eligible for funding. Borrowers must have the home inspected to ensure that construction has not begun before closing and hire a general contractor to manage the renovation.

Vehicle and DMV Benefits

Texas veterans are also eligible for certain benefits at the DMV. Decreased fees and benefits for identification and license plates can make it easier for veterans to drive and improve access to their local communities.

Driver's License and State ID Fee Waivers

Disabled veterans in Texas who have been honorably discharged and are receiving VA compensation for a disability rating of at least 60 percent are eligible for a free Texas state ID card or non-commercial driver’s license. Documents verifying the veteran’s service and disability should be submitted to the Department of Public Safety either in person or by mail, along with a completed Texas Driver License or ID Card Application form.

Texas Disabled Veteran License Designation

Disabled veterans in Texas who received honorable or general discharge are eligible for a written designation on their driver’s license or state ID indicating their disabled veteran status. Eligible veterans must have a VA disability rating of at least 50 percent or a rating of at least 40 percent with amputation of a lower extremity.

Texas Disabled Veteran License Plate

The Texas Disabled Veterans license plate is available to honorably discharged veterans residing in Texas who have a VA disability rating of 50 percent or more or 40 percent with amputation of a lower extremity. The International Symbol of Access, often known as the “handicap” icon, can be added to your license plate if you submit a notarized signature from a medical professional with your license plate application.

Want to Increase Your VA Disability Rating?

Increasing your VA disability rating can provide access to a greater range of federal and state disability benefits. In Texas, a 100 percent disability rating can increase your income through higher monthly compensation and decrease your expenses through certain financial benefits. If you believe you’re eligible for an increased VA disability rating or want to apply for a disability rating for the first time, Veterans Guide is here to help. Our experienced attorneys are proud to serve those who have served our country. We know how to cut through VA red tape to get you the benefits you deserve.

Call (888) 982-1009 or contact us online today for your free consultation.

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Matt is a VA-accredited attorney who co-founded NAVDA in 2023. Matt has helped veterans with the VA disability appeals process since he became accredited in 2021.