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VA Disability Rating for Gastrointestinal Problems
VA ratings for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can range from 0% to 100%. IBS and GERD have been linked to service-related exposure to contaminated drinking water, toxic burn pits, and combat-related stress. Veterans with gastrointestinal or digestive disorders resulting from their military service may qualify for compensation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
- The VA rates gastrointestinal issues from 0% to 100% for veterans suffering from service-related gastrointestinal conditions.
- Gastrointestinal issues are notably prevalent among veterans due to environmental exposures and stress during service.
- These conditions encompass a range of symptoms and can include severe diseases like colon and stomach cancers.
It’s been documented that gastrointestinal conditions are more prevalent in veterans than in the general population. Before modern technology allowed for remote warfare, doctors believed the psychological trauma and stress of war were the primary causes of poor gut health in service members since symptoms often surfaced during or after combat.
However, while the overall number of combat-related traumas has dropped with the advent of modern military tactics, digestive diseases have actually increased among veterans.
Possible explanations for the increase include exposure to chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons that contaminated air, water, and soil, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), gastrointestinal tract infections, smoke from burn pits, and weakened immunity due to severe stress. The VA is currently researching new treatments for restoring veterans’ gut health.
On This Page
- Gastrointestinal Problems Resulting From Military Service
- Why Do Veterans Experience Gastrointestinal Issues?
- Gastrointestinal Conditions & Eligibility For VA Disability
- How Does A Veteran Qualify For Gastrointestinal Disability Benefits?
- VA Gastrointestinal Disability Ratings
- What Happens If My Disability Isn’t On The Veterans Affairs Schedule For Rating Disabilities (VASRD)?
- Applying For VA Disability Benefits
- What If I Disagree With The Disability Rating Assigned To Me?
In some cases, the lack of access to fresh produce and fiber or ingesting contaminated food and water can leave veterans with chronic gastrointestinal issues as well as many types of toxic exposure. For example, Gulf War syndrome, which is a term used to explain a pattern of issues noticed in veterans who served in the Gulf War in 1991. This also can cause GI issues. Some of the most common types of these issues are veterans facing acid reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and colon and stomach cancers.
In some cases, the lack of access to fresh produce and fiber or ingesting contaminated food and water can leave veterans with chronic gastrointestinal issues as well as many types of toxic exposure. For example, Gulf War syndrome, which is a term used to explain a pattern of issues noticed in veterans who served in the Gulf War in 1991. This also can cause GI issues. Some of the most common types of these issues are veterans facing acid reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and colon and stomach cancers.
Gastrointestinal Problems Resulting from Military Service
Some veterans who served in military operations have experienced chronic gastrointestinal issues long after returning to civilian life. Gulf War Syndrome has been used to describe unexplained symptoms in diseases and disorders of the digestive system, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Other gastrointestinal problems veterans may experience include:
- Constipation
- Diarrhea/dysentery
- Heartburn/indigestion
- Hernias
- Cancer
- Gallbladder conditions
- Ulcerative colitis
- Gastrointestinal dysmotility
- Barrett’s esophagus
- Celiac disease
- Unexplained abdominal pain
- Diverticulitis
- Conditions of the mouth and tongue
- Adhesions of the peritoneum
- Gastritis
- Stenosis of the stomach
- Liver cirrhosis
- Injury to the spleen
- Conditions of the pancreas
It’s not uncommon for veterans to report more than one digestive complaint at a time.
Why Do Veterans Experience Gastrointestinal Issues?
Several possible causes have been blamed for diseases and disorders of the digestive system in veterans.
1. A lack of access to fresh produce and fiber during deployment can result in constipation.
2. Inflammation caused by viral and bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract, including E.coli or salmonella, may lead to long-term gut disorders.
3. The ingestion of contaminated food or water, domestically and in underdeveloped regions, can lead to digestive issues.
4. Psychological trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety may cause digestive symptoms.
5. The use of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons and exposure to radiation puts veterans at higher risk for medical conditions.
6. Smoke from burning oil fields and toxic burn pits in the Middle East has been linked with certain types of cancer.
7. Weakened immunity due to combat stress can negatively impact veterans’ gut health.
8. Vaccine injuries, particularly from the anthrax vaccine received by service members, have been linked to gastrointestinal issues.
A recent example of toxic exposure that resulted in health problems is Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. From 1953 until 1987, veterans stationed at Camp Lejeune were unknowingly exposed to drinking water believed to contain hazardous chemicals.
Many service members have since come forward with cancers of the digestive system and other gastrointestinal complaints that the government has linked to their time at Camp Lejeune.
Welcome, Matt Coveney here with an important update from the VA that could impact many of you.
The VA has announced significant updates to the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities, specifically for digestive conditions. They’ve revised the rating criteria for 55 conditions, reflecting modern medical knowledge and treatment advancements.
First up, let’s dive into a significant update from the VA regarding GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Previously, GERD was rated where you could receive ratings of 10%, 30%, or 60% based on the frequency, severity, and duration of symptoms. Under the new system, GERD will be rated under its own diagnostic code with possible ratings of 0%, 10%, 30%, 50%, or 80%.
However, there’s some controversy here. The new ratings for GERD focus on esophageal stricture, which involves difficulty swallowing. Some concerns have been raised that this might not fully capture the range of common symptoms many veterans with GERD experience, such as heartburn and acid reflux.
Next up, big news for those suffering from celiac disease. Previously, celiac was evaluated analogously with ratings between zero to 30 percent. Starting May 19, it’s getting its own diagnostic code, with possible ratings up to 80 percent based on severity.
Another significant update, changes to irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. The old system had ratings of zero, 10, or 30 percent. Now, you’re guaranteed at least a 10 percent rating, with possible increases to 20 or 30 percent depending on how often you experience symptoms.
And for those dealing with hemorrhoids, there’s also good news. The VA has scrapped the zero percent rating for mild or moderate cases. Now, they start at 10 percent, with more severe cases still eligible for up to 20 percent.
Remember, these changes won’t affect your current ratings unless you apply for an increase. For new claims or those pending as of May 19, the VA will use the criteria most favorable to you.
That’s all for now! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to be notified about all future Veterans updates. If you need assistance with your VA disability rating please visit https://veteransguide.org/ to get in touch with our team for assistance.
Welcome, Matt Coveney here with an important update from the VA that could impact many of you.
The VA has announced significant updates to the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities, specifically for digestive conditions. They’ve revised the rating criteria for 55 conditions, reflecting modern medical knowledge and treatment advancements.
First up, let’s dive into a significant update from the VA regarding GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Previously, GERD was rated where you could receive ratings of 10%, 30%, or 60% based on the frequency, severity, and duration of symptoms. Under the new system, GERD will be rated under its own diagnostic code with possible ratings of 0%, 10%, 30%, 50%, or 80%.
However, there’s some controversy here. The new ratings for GERD focus on esophageal stricture, which involves difficulty swallowing. Some concerns have been raised that this might not fully capture the range of common symptoms many veterans with GERD experience, such as heartburn and acid reflux.
Next up, big news for those suffering from celiac disease. Previously, celiac was evaluated analogously with ratings between zero to 30 percent. Starting May 19, it’s getting its own diagnostic code, with possible ratings up to 80 percent based on severity.
Another significant update, changes to irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. The old system had ratings of zero, 10, or 30 percent. Now, you’re guaranteed at least a 10 percent rating, with possible increases to 20 or 30 percent depending on how often you experience symptoms.
And for those dealing with hemorrhoids, there’s also good news. The VA has scrapped the zero percent rating for mild or moderate cases. Now, they start at 10 percent, with more severe cases still eligible for up to 20 percent.
Remember, these changes won’t affect your current ratings unless you apply for an increase. For new claims or those pending as of May 19, the VA will use the criteria most favorable to you.
That’s all for now! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to be notified about all future Veterans updates. If you need assistance with your VA disability rating please visit https://veteransguide.org/ to get in touch with our team for assistance.
Gastrointestinal Conditions & Eligibility for VA Disability
Veterans can file a claim with the VA and be assigned a disability rating based on their reported symptoms. Disability ratings already exist for some digestive disorders, and the VA recently updated its disability rating schedule for conditions related to the digestive system.
How Does a Veteran Qualify for Gastrointestinal Disability Benefits?
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs requires supporting documentation of your disability and evidence that an event, injury, or illness occurred during your service to cause that disability.
Documents required to prove your need for disability benefits can include:
- DD214 separation documents
- Service treatment records
- Civilian and VA medical records, x-rays, lab reports, and other diagnostic test results or supporting documentation
- Any previous or new claims filed with the VA for the same condition
- Records showing the locations you served that may have contributed to your disability
VA Gastrointestinal Disability Ratings
Your monthly payments are based on a VA disability rating for the digestive system that will be assigned to you based on the severity of your symptoms and the number of dependent family members in your household.
These ratings can range from zero to 100 percent. A minimum 10 percent disability rating is needed to qualify for disability payments. Disability claims with a less than 10 percent disability rating are called non-compensable disabilities, meaning you are not eligible for compensation for that illness.
If you think your condition merits a higher VA rating for a gastrointestinal disorder, you might consider using the services of a VA disability advocate who can help you navigate the system and file an appeal of your disability rating with the VA.
Total disability may be assigned if the VA determines you’re unemployable due to your disease or injury, with veterans being eligible for up to no more than 100 percent disability. You can consult the 2023 veterans disability compensation rates table to estimate what you can expect to receive in monthly payments.
What Happens if My Disability Isn't on the Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD)?
The schedule doesn’t include every type of gastrointestinal illness or disease. When assigning a disability rating for disabilities not in the schedule, the VA compares your symptoms to those of the rating table’s most similar disability.
You will be assigned an analogous or equivalent code if your specific diagnosis isn’t listed. These codes are used to match your condition as closely as possible with one already recognized in the Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities.
For example, there is no rating schedule for the diagnosis of diverticulitis. This condition causes pockets of inflammation or infection in the digestive tract, leading to abdominal pain. Instead, the VA may use the rating schedule for irritable bowel syndrome or other similar conditions to determine your payments.
Applying for VA Disability Benefits
It’s estimated that more than 10 million eligible veterans never apply for their owed VA disability benefits, while others already receiving benefits may qualify for more.
If you entered the military with a pre-existing condition that has since worsened following your service, you might be eligible to apply based on the level of aggravation (how much worse your condition became due to service).
If you believe you are eligible for service-related disability payments, file a VA claim as soon as possible.
What if I Disagree With the Disability Rating Assigned to Me?
If you believe your disability rating should be higher, you can submit an appeal to the VA, which will be reviewed to determine whether you qualify for more disability. Supplemental claims require new evidence and documentation of a disability for which you previously applied and must be submitted within a year of the date you received the initial decision letter.
You can also request a higher-level review claim if you continue to disagree with the VA’s decision. A senior reviewer will look at the facts of your case and determine whether to change your disability rating.
A board appeal goes before a veterans law judge at the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. The judge will review your case and decide whether to grant a higher disability rating based on the appeal documentation. It can be helpful to consult a veterans advocate or attorney to help you navigate the appeals process.
Don’t miss out on the compensation owed to you. Apply for VA disability today.