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Veterans Guide Videos

How to Increase My VA Rating?

Video Transcript

Too often, veterans are awarded a low rating. In most cases, we need to show more evidence to prove that an increased rating is justified and needed. For example, we can gather evidence from friends and family. They offer perspective on how your condition affects your daily life, and they may be able to share more about the impact.

Another source are colleagues or your work buddies. They can speak about how your condition has affected your ability to work and earn a living. Another wonderful source of evidence is your primary doctor. Your doctor can provide insight into your condition, and the VA may not credit or consider secondary conditions. For example, if a medication from a service-connected condition causes another issue, such as an endocrine disorder. Finally, if your condition has worsened, you need to apply and appeal.

Linda Cosme

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Linda Cosme | VA-Accredited Attorney & U.S. Army Veteran

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Matt is a VA-accredited attorney who co-founded NAVDA in 2023. Matt has helped veterans with the VA disability appeals process since he became accredited in 2021.