Veterans Guide Videos

VA Digestive Ratings Update

Video Transcript

Welcome, Matt Coveney here with an important update from the VA that could impact many of you. 

The VA has announced significant updates to the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities, specifically for digestive conditions. They’ve revised the rating criteria for 55 conditions, reflecting modern medical knowledge and treatment advancements.

First up, let’s dive into a significant update from the VA regarding GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Previously, GERD was rated where you could receive ratings of 10%, 30%, or 60% based on the frequency, severity, and duration of symptoms. Under the new system, GERD will be rated under its own diagnostic code with possible ratings of 0%, 10%, 30%, 50%, or 80%.

However, there’s some controversy here. The new ratings for GERD focus on esophageal stricture, which involves difficulty swallowing. Some concerns have been raised that this might not fully capture the range of common symptoms many veterans with GERD experience, such as heartburn and acid reflux.

Next up, big news for those suffering from celiac disease. Previously, celiac was evaluated analogously with ratings between zero to 30 percent. Starting May 19, it’s getting its own diagnostic code, with possible ratings up to 80 percent based on severity.

Another significant update, changes to irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. The old system had ratings of zero, 10, or 30 percent. Now, you’re guaranteed at least a 10 percent rating, with possible increases to 20 or 30 percent depending on how often you experience symptoms.

And for those dealing with hemorrhoids, there’s also good news. The VA has scrapped the zero percent rating for mild or moderate cases. Now, they start at 10 percent, with more severe cases still eligible for up to 20 percent.

Remember, these changes won’t affect your current ratings unless you apply for an increase. For new claims or those pending as of May 19, the VA will use the criteria most favorable to you.

That’s all for now! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to be notified about all future Veterans updates. If you need assistance with your VA disability rating please visit to get in touch with our team for assistance. 

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